The way we work
Alberto Schuster, CEO of BDT, works with the client in person. We set up teams of no more than three to four industry/process specialists to work with the owners, shareholders, CEO, Chairman of the Board, Directors, and, if necessary, the High Management.
As we are a group of experienced and seasoned executive C-Suit professionals from multiple sectors and global exposure, our goal is to generate results and, at the same time, increase the talent of the company’s governance bodies individually and as a real team.
We do not have the “brand stamp” like the big consulting firms, but we neither charge the client with the burden of the inherent costs and people’s resignation. The client will see Alberto Schuster in person, from preparing the proposal to completing the work.
Unlike the traditional approach, we aim that the work does not end in a series of reports to rest on the desks or laptops of executives or Directors but turns into concrete actions for change to meet results.
Our independence characterizes our work to provide the best service without responding to the interests of any shareholder, stakeholder, officer, or interest group in particular.